為(wèi)學(xué)習宣傳貫徹黨的二十大精(jīng)神, 帶動青年切實把學(xué)習成效轉化為(wèi)指導實踐和推動工(gōng)作(zuò)的強大動力,從中(zhōng)領悟工(gōng)作(zuò)與生活中(zhōng)的“道”與“術”。11月5日上午,聊城跨境電(diàn)商(shāng)産(chǎn)業園組織專題學(xué)習黨的二十大精(jīng)神。聊城跨境電(diàn)商(shāng)産(chǎn)業園總經理(lǐ)侯敏主持活動并分(fēn)享,各參會人員圍繞學(xué)習黨的二十大報告精(jīng)神,結合實際工(gōng)作(zuò),交流心得體(tǐ)會。 會議開始前,全體(tǐ)黨員重溫入黨誓詞,在铿锵有(yǒu)力氣宣誓聲中(zhōng)展現新(xīn)時代黨員意氣風發的精(jīng)神面貌和堅定不移跟黨走、聽黨話的決心。 中(zhōng)國(guó)共産(chǎn)黨第二十次全國(guó)代表大會,是在全黨全國(guó)各族人民(mín)邁上全面建設社會主義現代化國(guó)家新(xīn)征程、向第二個百年奮鬥目标進軍的關鍵時刻召開的一次十分(fēn)重要的大會。黨的二十大以“高舉中(zhōng)國(guó)特色社會主義偉大旗幟,全面貫徹新(xīn)時代中(zhōng)國(guó)特色社會主義思想,弘揚偉大建黨精(jīng)神,自信自強、守正創新(xīn),踔厲奮發、勇毅前行,為(wèi)全面建設社會主義現代化國(guó)家、全面推進中(zhōng)華民(mín)族偉大複興而團結奮鬥。”為(wèi)主題。并系統回顧了過去五年的工(gōng)作(zuò)和新(xīn)時代十年的偉大變革,深刻闡述了馬克思主義中(zhōng)國(guó)化時代化的新(xīn)境界,鮮明提出了新(xīn)時代新(xīn)征程中(zhōng)國(guó)共産(chǎn)黨的使命任務(wù),科(kē)學(xué)謀劃了以中(zhōng)國(guó)式現代化全面推進中(zhōng)華民(mín)族偉大複興的工(gōng)作(zuò)部署。學(xué)習貫徹黨的二十大精(jīng)神,重點要在學(xué)習報告上下功夫,學(xué)深悟透、融會貫通,結合自身實際落實好黨的二十大的新(xīn)要求新(xīn)部署。 會上,全體(tǐ)與會人員通過二十大報告思維導圖對原文(wén)進行了深入學(xué)習。并圍繞黨的二十大報告主題,結合自身工(gōng)作(zuò)和思想實際,分(fēn)别就學(xué)習心得體(tǐ)會和下一步落實舉措進行研讨,談認識、亮态度、表決心。會議指出,全體(tǐ)人員要把學(xué)習宣傳貫徹黨的二十大精(jīng)神作(zuò)為(wèi)當前和今後一個時期的首要政治任務(wù)。要迅速掀起學(xué)習熱潮,通過多(duō)種形式層層抓好學(xué)習,深刻領悟、準确把握黨的二十大精(jīng)神實質(zhì)和豐富内涵。要壓實主體(tǐ)責任,明确分(fēn)工(gōng),統籌提升工(gōng)作(zuò)質(zhì)效,聚焦當前工(gōng)作(zuò)重點,把貫徹會議精(jīng)神轉化為(wèi)推動工(gōng)作(zuò)高質(zhì)量發展的強大動力,用(yòng)實際行動服務(wù)保障外貿行業發展大局 活動最後,侯總通過學(xué)習“黨的二十大報告”、“習近平總書記在第五屆中(zhōng)國(guó)國(guó)際進口博覽會開幕式上的緻辭”作(zuò)總結性發言并指出,黨的二十大報告是舉旗定向的政治宣言,是守正創新(xīn)的理(lǐ)論巨作(zuò),是繼往開來的時代答(dá)卷,是求真務(wù)實的行動綱領。習近平總書記在報告中(zhōng)提出的高質(zhì)量發展是全面建設社會主義現代化國(guó)家的首要任務(wù),是中(zhōng)國(guó)式現代化的本質(zhì)要求,完整、準确、全面貫徹新(xīn)發展理(lǐ)念,就要着力把握好這個首要任務(wù),堅持高水平對外開放。我們作(zuò)為(wèi)外貿行業工(gōng)作(zuò)者,要以推進高水平對外開放,加快建設貿易強國(guó)為(wèi)引領,抓住“開放”和“機遇”兩個關鍵詞,加快培育跨境貿易和以跨境電(diàn)商(shāng)、海外倉為(wèi)代表的新(xīn)型貿易業态、新(xīn)型貿易模式。以昂揚的姿态、拼搏的精(jīng)神、紮實的苦幹為(wèi)建設“六個新(xīn)聊城”貢獻力量。 Study the Party's twenty Great Report study meeting! Keep the right innovation! Energetic work! In order to learn, publicize and implement the Party's twenty Great spirits, and drive young people to transform their learning results into a powerful driving force for guiding practice and promoting work, they can understand the "Tao" and "skill" in work and life. On the morning of November 5, Liaocheng Cross-border E-commerce Industrial Park organized a special study of the Party's 20 Spirit. Hou Min, general manager of Liaocheng Cross-border E-commerce Industrial Park, hosted and shared the activity. Participants exchanged their experiences based on learning the spirit of the Party's 20 National Congress Report and practical work. Before the meeting began, all Party members reviewed their vows to join the Party, showing in their vigorous vows the energetic spirit of Party members in the new era and their determination to follow the Party and listen to its words. The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China is a very important one held at a crucial moment when the whole Party and the people of all ethnic groups in China are embarking on a new journey towards the second centenary Goal of comprehensively building a modern socialist country. The party's top twenty with "holding the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics, fully implement the new era of Chinese characteristic socialism, carry forward the great spirit of the founding, confident and keep innovation, work full of vigour, yong yi, for all-round construction of socialism modernization country, comprehensively promote the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and united struggle." As the theme. In addition, it systematically reviewed the work of the past five years and the great changes of the new era in the decade, profoundly elaborated on the new level of adapting Marxism to The Times in China, clearly put forward the mission and tasks of the Communist Party of China in the new era and on the new journey, and scientifically planned the work plan for comprehensively promoting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation through Chinese-style modernization. To study and implement the spirit of the Party's 20 National Congress, it is important to work hard on the study of the report, learn to have a deep understanding and mastery, and implement the new requirements and plans of the Party's 20 National Congress in light of their own conditions. At the meeting, all participants conducted in-depth study of the original text through the mind map of the twenty Top reports. And around the theme of the Party's 20 National report, combined with their own work and ideological reality, respectively on the learning experience and the next implementation of measures to discuss understanding, bright attitude, voting heart. According to the meeting, all staff members should make studying, publicizing and implementing the Party's 20 Spirit the top political task at present and in the coming period. We must quickly set off an upsurge of study, study well in various forms, and gain a deep understanding and accurate grasp of the essence and rich connotations of the Party's 20 Major principles. We should consolidate the responsibilities of the main bodies, clarify the division of labor, coordinate efforts to improve the quality and effectiveness of our work, focus on our current priorities, translate the spirit of the conference into a strong driving force for high-quality development of our work, and ensure the overall development of the foreign trade industry with concrete actions As workers in the foreign trade industry, we should take the high level of opening up and accelerate the building of a trade power as the lead, seize the two keywords of "opening up" and "opportunity", and accelerate the cultivation of cross-borde
以習近平新(xīn)時代中(zhōng)國(guó)特色社會主義思想和習近平總書記視察山(shān)東重要講話、重要指示批示精(jīng)神為(wèi)指導,聚焦聚力“六個新(xīn)聊城”建設,按照《2022 年全市“幹部專業能(néng)力提升 345 工(gōng)程”重點培訓計劃》有(yǒu)關要求,科(kē)學(xué)設計培訓課程,圍繞外經貿重點工(gōng)作(zuò)開展全市對外開放線(xiàn)上專題培訓班。本次“聊城市打造對外開放新(xīn)高地”線(xiàn)上專題培訓在聊城市商(shāng)務(wù)和投資促進局的組織下于2022年12月14日上午正式開幕,并将持續開展三天。聊城跨境電(diàn)商(shāng)産(chǎn)業園作(zuò)為(wèi)高新(xīn)區(qū)分(fēn)會場,聊城鴻遠(yuǎn)國(guó)際貿易服務(wù)有(yǒu)限公(gōng)司總經理(lǐ)侯敏應邀參加參此次培訓并積極發動相關外貿企業參加。